• Feb 1701 session — 2018-2019

    Slidedeck from 1701, Alerts, TRAX checklist presentation–Jennie See here.   Slidedeck from Inclusions presentation–Bernice See here.

  • February 1701 + Session

    Attached is the slidedeck for the Feb 1701, Inclusions, Library Insignia, TRAX and incoming K information – see here.

  • October 2017 Update

    During the fall SIS conference some information was shared to us about upcoming changes and curriculum implementation. Here are some of my notes. Timelines for upgrades to version 5.8 are at the bottom. November 24 is deadline for Enhancement Requests to be considered for current budget year. ERs can go through Jennie Copeland and must […]

  • Course Completion Date and Manual Transcripts

    External credits or any manually created transcripts need to have the Completion Date set otherwise the credits will not show on the DVR as earned credits. We’ve created an SD60 DVR check in the field sets under Student TT > Transcript ST that shows several useful pieces of information for checking DVR issues including the CompletionDate […]