Mailing Address Field Set on Student TT

I’ve created a new Mailing Address Field Set in the Student TT > student list for use with Mail Merging for mailing labels.  If you need other fields please copy the field set and modify for your needs. I’ve included the following fields:

Name (Concatenated Legal Name, Last, First for Student)
Usual Name (Concatenated Usual Name, Last, First for Student)
MailAdrs > Street Address
MailAdrs > RR/PO
MailAdrs > City Prov PC
1st Contact > Name
1st Contact > Emergency Priority
1st Contact > Relationship

Both legal and usual names were included to allow you to choose one or the other if you are addressing to the student.

1st Contact > Name, Emergency Priority, and Relationship fields were included if you are addressing to a contact that is first numerically in the student contact list. Check this for Emergency Priority 1 or 2 (custodial parent/guardian). If this number is not 1 or 2 check the student contacts before sending mail.

Our Contacts Emergency Priority Numbering Practice is available at